Bambi PT Compressor

Bambi PT compressors offer oil-free compressed air acting as compact, low maintenance solutions to ultra-quiet oil free compressed air requirements, with an ultra-low running noise of just 54 dB(A).

The Bambi PT Compressor Range is ideal for applications like Pneumatic Control Systems, Scientific Laboratories, Staple Guns, Picture Framing, Autoclaves, Veterinary Dental Carts, Drink Dispensing, Door Opening, and Exhibition Stands, where low maintenance oil-free air is required.

All compressors in the PT range come with an anti-corrosion, internally coated air receiver, prolonging it’s lifespan and ensuring the air delivered is contamination free.

Condor pressure switches, 10-micron air filters, outlet pressure regulators and stainless steel braided pipework also comes as standard with the PT range.

Everything runs off a single phase 240v (standard UK 3 pin plug) and is supplied ready for plug and play installation.

Air compressors PT5, PT15, PT24 are all powered the same as they each have 1 pump, but provide different tank sizes of 4 Litres, 15 Litres and 24 Litres.

Power (kW)


Capacity (m3/min)





Oil Free



Noise (dB)


Easy to Maintain


Made in the UK

Low Noise Level

Oil free

Dental use common