Last month we were delighted to invite Ryan Stanley, Community Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society across Birmingham, Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire, to our office to present the cheque for £10,793.

“I’m extremely proud of everyone at Direct Air pulling together to raise such an incredible amount of money for our company charity,” said Emma Dolby, Marketing Manager and chief charity event organiser.

“We’ve never had an official company charity before either, so we’ve gone above and beyond what we were expecting for our first year. All I can say is we won’t stop here! We will carry on doing other fundraising activities and events… watch this space.”


The fundraising activities

We want to say a huge congratulations to everyone who took part in any fundraising activities from our Direct Air team

  • We took to the clouds for a team skydive
  • We got muddy at the Autumn wolf run
  • We filled our belly’s on cupcake day
  • We went retro for Flashback Friday
  • We donated our Christmas party ticket money
  • And much more…

A big thanks to...

And a massive thank you to all of our suppliers, customers, friends, family and everyone else who have donated so far! You have all really have helped improved services and research for people living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. A massive well done & thank you once again.

If you would like to donate to our 2019-2020 total, please follow the link:


Where will the money go?

Alzheimer’s Society 3,000 services across England, Wales and Northern Ireland offer information, care and support to people with dementia, their families, friends and carers. These include Dementia Cafés, Singing for
the Brain® sessions, and Dementia Advisers, Dementia Support Workers and Side by Side volunteers who support people to keep doing the things they enjoy.

£5 – pays for one person to attend a 30-min support session at a Dementia café

£10 – pays for 100 copies of a factsheet:
Understanding and respecting the person with dementia

£50 – funds a National Dementia Helpline advisor for 1 hour

£120 – pays to run the online community for people affected by dementia