Leak Detection

Did you know up to 40% of your generated compressed air is being lost due to leaks? Air leakage is the single largest waste of compressed air.

Therefore, you will be using more energy than required and increasing the running hours which means you’ll need more frequent air compressor servicing.

Average annual compressor leak costs

1.5mm hole – £2,000
4.0mm hole – £14,000
6.0mm hole – £30,000

The above costs are calculated based on electricity figures of £0.34p/kWh3. With energy costs constantly increasing, savings are now likely to be significantly higher. Direct Air offer a compressed air leak detection service to locate leaks, estimate leakage costs, calculate repair costs and provide a detailed report for corrective actions.

Compressed air leak detection survey

Our technical team use ultrasonic leak detectors to pinpoint leaks in compressed air systems, even during noisy production periods.

The leak detector measures and photographs the specific location of a problem. Even the smallest of leaks can be identified!

At the end of the survey, a report is produced outlying the leaks and costs to repair with support offered from our technician.

Following on from the leak detection report, repairs and maintenance can be conducted on the compressed air system to resolve the leaks identified and improve the efficiency of your system.

To minimise losses, a leak detection programme can be introduced to locate and repair compressed air leaks as soon as possible.

Once a leak is repaired, new leaks can develop within the compressed air system over a period of time. We recommend as part of your ongoing maintenance to include a regular leak detection survey, to continue to maximise the efficiency of your system.


Enquire today about our compressed air leak detection service.

A member of the team will be in touch shortly to discuss your requirements and book an appointment with you.

Book leak detection survey

How to know if you’ve got a leak

Fixing leaks is important to energy saving and maximising your compressed air system. But you might be asking this simple yet very important question: ‘how do I even know if I’ve got a leak?’

Compressed air can sneak out of your system from many places and here are the most common problem areas:

  • Valves which don’t close completely
  • Couplings, hose, tubes & fittings.
  • Point of use devices
  • Pipe joints

How to know if you’ve got a leak

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