In a nutshell, IoT is the network of devices to the internet to create connections and exchange data. This is enabling the development of our smart homes and smart cities.

Data has always been a resource within businesses, allowing internal and external analysis. Now organisations are rushing to become ‘connected’. This is due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (I4.0) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

The ‘factory of the future’ is becoming an increasing reality. Industrial processes are shifting towards complex machinery and information technology.

And you may be wondering how could this affect my compressed air system?

With a focus on the increasing demand for reliability, CompAir have launched iConn. It’s a cloud-based platform to manage, optimise and improve compressed air-based services. It delivers real-time analytics and can identify potential issues before they happen.

No matter where you are, you can be in control of your compressed air system. It enables users to check compressor performance from a single location, via their mobile device, tablet or PC.

iConn Connectivity

iConn helps minimise fault incidences for increased uptime and provides detailed machine parameters. Over-time trends develop, with analysis enabling plant managers to optimise system performance.

CompAir compressors manufactured after 2018 and above 22kW will have iConn included. It can also be retro-fitted to almost every compressor brand.

How does iConn work?

  • Gateway devices connected to controllers for data transfer via GSM, Ethernet or Wi-Fi
  • Able to connect to analogue sensors, RFID
  • Secure cloud-based database solution
  • Browser-based dashboard displays key operating data
  • Performance monitoring, predictive maintenance and energy optimisation service by our experts

Benefits of iConn

  • Increased efficiency
  • Reduced risks
  • Air quality as a service
  • Increased uptime
  • Increased productivity
  • Integrated analytics
  • Extended product life-cycle
  • Investment protection