Whilst a process chiller will generally have to work harder than a chiller on a comfort application for the duration of the year, they also have spikes in cooling demand that the slow rise and fall that a comfort chiller may see over the duration of a day doesn’t have to contend with. For this reason, our process chillers also come with large thermal buffer tanks that can slow the number of compressor stop/start cycles and therefore improve the lifespan and reliability of the unit.
Other important features of our process chillers that ensure they are suitable for industrial applications are the high pressure pump options (1.5, 3 and 5 bar), condenser filters and either standard, or optional (depending upon the range) non-ferrous water circuits.
*SEPR is the Seasonal Energy Performance Ratio that is used for rating the efficiency of process chillers. SEER is the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio that is used for rating the efficiency of comfort / HVAC chillers and is not suitable for understanding the true chiller efficiency when being used for a process application.