Check your drains
Drains are a key component to any condensate management system but can also cause risks when the cold weather kicks in. If you have an unheated compressor room you must check the drains for any problems, as any leftover condensate could freeze causing obstructions – and ultimately damage to your equipment. Make sure condensate draining is part of your daily compressor checks and consider fitting an auto drain system.
Protect your filters and dryers
It makes perfect common sense to look after the filters and dryers in your set-up as they’re in charge of removing water, and therefore preventing downstream freezing.
Do you have a refrigerant dryer? Remember to keep it at a minimum of 5°C to ensure it operates correctly.
Locate and repair leaks
If you’re going to extra effort to ensure your compressed air system is operating efficiently and effectively during the change in the season, you’ll want to continue making savings by identifying and fixing leaks. While some leaks can be heard in a system walk during non-production, most leaks are too small to detect without monitoring equipment. A leak detection survey will help the productivity of your system in all seasons.
Regular servicing
The change in the season is the perfect excuse to carry out maintenance on your compressor but it is important to follow the manufacturers advice about servicing all year round. Regular servicing can help avoid issues including the build-up of water and unnecessary oil changes.
Check back next week for part II of Direct Air’s tips for getting your compressor ready for winter.