Alzheimer’s Society is the only UK charity investing in research into dementia care, cause, cure and prevention. They’ve committed to spending £150 million on cutting-edge research over the
next decade. Every project they fund directly addresses the needs and concerns of people affected by dementia.
Alzheimer’s Society’s National Dementia Helpline offers
information, advice and emotional support to people affected by dementia. Their advisers provide support by phone, email, social media, post, and though our online forum, Talking Point. They also have over 200 free publications, available online and in print, with clear and straightforward, NHS England-accredited information.
Our 3,000 services across England, Wales and Northern Ireland offer information, care and support to people with dementia, their families, friends and carers. These include Dementia Cafés, Singing for
the Brain® sessions, and Dementia Advisers, Dementia Support Workers and Side by Side volunteers who support people to keep doing the things they enjoy.
£5 – pays for one person to attend a 30-min support
session at a Dementia café
£10 – pays for 100 copies of a factsheet:
Understanding and respecting the person with dementia
£50 –funds a National Dementia Helpline advisor for
1 hour
£120 – pays to run the online community for people
affected by dementia