The first step to identify and resolve these problems is having the knowledge to know what you’re dealing with. So, the best way to avoid these horrors is understand the monsters you could potentially be dealing with.
Problem 1: Quality
Air quality is a key influence on the effectiveness of your compressed air system. Poor quality air can lead to extensive damage to equipment and performance. Contaminants in the air such as particulates, moisture and oil are commonly associated with air quality issues.
If you’re having issues look into the air treatment within your downstream equipment. Or have the quality tested and get recommendations to achieve the standard you need.
Problem 2: Quantity
It’s difficult enough to balance air demand and supply for your applications… without having to worry about other complications thrown in. Are you experiencing issues with pressure drops, leaks or not enough air?
Avoid these problems from the start by designing the system and distribution before install. With an existing system, regular leak detection inspections will be useful. And modifications to pipework can help to improve reoccurring issues.
Problem 3: Maintenance
Arguably one of the most time intensive issues to keep on top off is system maintenance. Routine maintenance and servicing is crucial for the reliability and efficiency of your system. This helps you catch and resolve any issues before they have a chance to do too much damage. This means avoiding costly repairs and downtime in the future. Monitoring the health of your compressor, filtration, dryers and vacuum systems can be a lot of work. Outsourcing maintenance to a specialised compressed air supplier can provide the level of servicing you need.
Problem 4: Sizing
Are you sure your machines got sized correctly? Incorrectly sized compressors can cause problems with production levels and actually increase your energy costs. Another implication of improper sized machines can cause the compressor to run harder than they need to, leading to unnecessary wear and tear.
Problem 5: Reliability
Want to avoid unplanned downtime and increase your systems reliability? Then add more equipment! Having a backup compressor on standby eases the worry that relying on one compressor to power your operation can cause. If there are any problems with your main compressor or if it must undergo servicing, if you don’t have a backup everything stops! Prevent this from happening and banish any nightmares by investing in a standby compressor.